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3ds Max Surface Dissapears When Selected Vertex Not In View

3ds Max Surface Dissapears When Selected Vertex Not In View

I have a very long animation and was hoping to find an automatic way to sinc the movements of the two, but I don't guess that can be done. Since your technique requires a lot of keyframing, it may just be faster for me to turn on 3Dsnapping with vertex selected and just snap the point helper repeatedly rather than going thru the attachments. If there are any more Ideas or if I'm not using the Attachment constraint in the same way your thinking of, please let me know. Thanks you guys for helping out.Last edited by shenzero; at 01:30 PM.

What I have verified is this is not something (at least in my experience) that is isolated to a specific file or for 3ds Max overall, but rather specific to a certain object. Here is how I have solved this issue in the past (and it happens to me at least a couple times a week) I export the object as an OBJ and then reimport it - merging into a.

OK, this is really very close. And thank you for the lead. The tutorial was written to covet verts that are part of a mesh or poly object, however this is ineffective on verts that are part of a spline object. I checked the MaxScript Reference Help and it had no information on getting the Vert ID # from a spline object. The tutorials method requires this to work. Any scripters out there know of a way to get this info? Also it memtions that each vert has it's own pivot point.

  1. Sep 16, 2011  But basically after switching from direct x 9 (default) to 10 just to try it out, I lost my vertices! Under prefs viewport etc I have show verts as dots and size is 3, so I know there's not a problem there. In fact what happens when I open max, they're there to start, but as soon as I select in vert mode, they vanish.
  2. Beginner question - when do vertices not weld?? Hi guys, as you can see i am totaly new here and at this time i am doing my first steps in max. I watched and read a lot of tutorials and now i am somewhat of familiar with basic moddeling. But there is one thing i noticed again and again: 2 vertices are not weldable sometimes.

Does anyone else know if this is true? That could open up a lot of new ideas for me to tinker with.Last edited by shenzero; at 01:53 PM.

3ds Max Surface Dissapears When Selected Vertex Not In View Meaning

I was trying to make a human head in 3ds max 2009 using splines, but when I used the Surface Modifier, all the splines either completely disappeared, or bearly showed anything in the viewports. I made sure the splines were renderable for the renderer, and the viewports when I made the first spline (the biggest one). I then copied the spline several times, and moved each one over, and changed the position of the vertices. When I surfaced the splines, no matter what settings I used, the surface still wouldn't show, or it wouldn't show properly. Just look at my images, and you will see the original splines I made in one image, and then the error with the splines being surfaced in another image. I also included my scene of the splines, after I surfaced them.Edit: Thanks for any help!

I did finally look at the tutorial you mentioned, but still no luck. Even when I did add more splines in the form of a spline cage, the head won't surface properly. What I did was I kept the original splines, and had used the vertex snap tools with new splines, which I made going inwards towards the vertices where the ear was. These new splines started at the outer head vertices, and I selected all of them, and I tried different functions of the Edit Spline Modifier, and the Surface Modifier, and I still couldn't get the head to surface properly.Any ideas?

Thanks again! I tried the spline Geometry Attach feature, but when I selected one spline, then another, with Attach on, the other splines I click on won't change color or anything. I don't know how to use this Attach feature. Sorry if i'm asking a question that might be obvious to you, but i'm still learning 3ds max. I did search through the help files for the Attach feature of the geometry rollout, but that didn't help much.Edit: Can someone please walk me through the steps involved in attaching more than one spline?Thankyou! I tried the spline Geometry Attach feature, but when I selected one spline, then another, with Attach on, the other splines I click on won't change color or anything.

I don't know how to use this Attach feature. Sorry if i'm asking a question that might be obvious to you, but i'm still learning 3ds max. I did search through the help files for the Attach feature of the geometry rollout, but that didn't help much.Edit: Can someone please walk me through the steps involved in attaching more than one spline?Thankyou!Try this:1. File Reset2. Create Shapes Circle3. In the Front viewport, create 3 concentric circles.4.

3ds Max Surface Dissapears When Selected Vertex Not In View Form

Select one of the circles. Right-click in the viewport and choose Convert To Convert to Editable Spline5. In the Modifier panel, for the now Editable Spline object, click on the Attach button.6. In any viewport, click on the other two Circles. As you move your cursor over a valid shape, it will change into one with 4 small circles (sorry I cannot screen grab the cursor). When attached, all the shapes will be the same color.7. Click the Attach button to turn off the function.Extension:8.

Go to Spline sub-object. In the Front viewport select the innermost spline and in the Top viewport move it.

Do the same for the outermost spline.9. In the Geometry rollout, click the Cross Section button.

In any viewport, click on the largest circle, the next smaller then the smallest. Toggle off the Cross Section function.10.

Exit sub-object mode if not already done. Add the Surface modifier. You may need to check Flip Normals. Sorry I posted.jpg/.jpeg's there, I just thought they are smaller in file size.

I just don't see why The Area forums restrict us from uploading bigger files. I was trying to keep my file sizes low, because, when I post an image, there is text that says that I have a certain amount of space remaining for uploading images and other files. Other forums i've been to don't restrict the user to a few kilobites per image/file, yet some of them actually let you load files with up to 20mb!Anyway, here's the zipped.max file.Thankyou. Don't be sorry - it only matters when the finer details are important - they aren't always.

The amount of 'space' is per post not in total, so don't worry too much about the size, though don't go overboard either;-)I've had a quick look - the major problem you have is that each successive spline has a different number of vertices. You also have far less vertices towards the rear of the head compared to the front.Not sure why you have an instanced Edit Spline modifier or why you have the splines Renderable - they won't be seen once it's surfaced.Select Line01. Right-click the Edit Spline modifier and choose Make Unique. Right-click it again and choose Collapse To (agree with the warning message. Turn of the Rendering for both Renderer and Viewport.Click the Attach Mult button (Geometry rollout) and simply select all and ok.


Add the Surface Modifier and you will get a partial surface.You'll have to do a fair bit of work adding extra splines, remembering that every poly must have only 3 or 4 sides (and therefore vertices). Where Splines cross, both must have a vertex at the same point and those vertices must be coincident (Fuse them). Thanks everyone! I got the model completely surfaced now. I even mirrored the head, but when I did that, the eyes were too far apart, so I think i'll call it a human-snake head instead of just a human head. It was a good human-snake head considering the scales on the material I applied to the head looked like a dark green snake. I don't think it would make such a good human/human-snake head now though, because I applied a displacement map to it, to make it look furry.

3ds max surface dissapears when selected vertex not in view of life

Now it actually looks like a gorrila head, with red eyes!Edit: I posted a question about the rendering/memory issue in the 'Lighting/Rendering' forum, and I got a reply already, so you don't have to answer this part here because I erased the rendering issue part in this post, and I know now this isn't the right place to post it.Thanks again! If you are making splines for surfacing this way, you could consider the Cross section mod to help you join them uparea.autodesk.com/forum/Autodesk-3ds-Max/modeling/poly-modelling-question/I even mirrored the head, but when I did that, the eyes were too far apart, so I think i’ll call it a human-snake head instead of just a human head.To help keep your model in good shape use image reference planes and draw the splines over them. For humans you can use photos, for fantasy/sci-fi/cartoon creatures do sketches.EDIT: If you want to know how to set up refernce planes, It's covered in this set of tutorials,as well as how to make a face with Edit Poly, another method, and texturing.It may give you some inspiration.

3ds Max Surface Dissapears When Selected Vertex Not In View